mySidewalk launches new Affordable Housing Preservation Toolkit in collaboration with PAHRC and NLIHC, available in mySidewalk Chart
Toolkit combines local affordable housing data with guidance from the Public and Affordable Housing Research Corporation (PAHRC) and the National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC).

The affordable housing researchers at the Public and Affordable Housing Research Corporation and the National Low Income Housing Coalition have teamed up with data startup mySidewalk to create an on-demand affordable housing preservation toolkit available now inside mySidewalk Chart. The toolkit, authored by PAHRC and NLIHC, and engineered by mySidewalk, invites users to explore five opportunities for preserving local affordable housing backed by the researchers at both organizations. It provides the data and guidance local decision-makers need to begin creating local affordable housing preservation plans.
PAHRC and NLIHC will use the toolkit to help local affordable housing advocates and planners understand their affordable housing stock, assess preservation risks in their communities, and equip them with ideas to enhance their local housing preservation efforts. The goal is to guide stakeholders toward justifying and adopting new local preservation policies and initiatives, searching for more preservation data, communicating the importance and need for affordable housing to peers, and building a network of partners that can advocate for additional preservation funds.
- Aggregated data to visualize and download from the National Housing Preservation Databasefor your city, town, county, U.S. congressional district, state senate district, state house district, unified school district, city council district, ZIP code, neighborhood, and more.
- Real life examples from communities around the U.S. as best practices to consider in your preservation efforts.
- A no-frills explanation of affordable housing in the U.S., how it’s funded, and what programs support it.
- Additional resources to further your impact in affordable housing preservation.
- The toolkit is web-based, mobile optimized, ADA compliant, and WCAG 2.0 accessible.
- Access your toolkit online, by printing to PDF, embedding on your website, or downloading the underlying data as a .csv, .png, or .geojson file.
The partnership once again brings mySidewalk’s technology for democratizing data to bear for community decision-makers, policymakers, advocates, developers, and urban planners across the country.
The Affordable Housing Preservation Toolkit is available today to all subscribers of mySidewalk Chart. The toolkit is also available by request through mySidewalk, PAHRC, or NLIHC at no charge by filling out the form below.

“Since we created the National Housing Preservation Database, we’ve been eager to find new ways to make data more accessible to support affordable housing preservation efforts. This toolkit available through mySidewalk provides affordable housing practitioners and their partners with data and resources to further understand their affordable housing stock, its preservation needs, and ideas to jump start their local housing preservation efforts.”
Keely Stater, Director of Research and Industry Intelligence at the Public and Affordable Housing Research Corporation