
- An Educational Webinar -

Public Health Storytelling

Adapting CHIPs and CHAs for Change

The work of Public Health leaders has never been more critical.

While battling pandemics and responding to increased attention to racial injustices, Health Departments still have to deliver the essential services communities rely on. In this webinar, join Dr. Sarah Martin and Kate Mallula from the mySidewalk Health team as they discuss ways that Community Health Assessments and Community Health Improvement Plans can be revitalized and relaunched for our new reality.

With just a few simple shifts in language, CHIPs and CHAs can truly democratize data and empower communities to advocate for real, long-lasting change.

We'll discuss:

  • Strategies for communicating social determinants data in a pandemic
  • Ideas on framing data and visualizations against inequities highlighted by COVID-19 & racial injustices
  • Crafting powerful narratives to adapt & respond to changing community needs

Join us on
Wednesday, July 15

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM CT
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM ET
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM PT

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Sarah Martin, MPP MPH PhD

VP of Health Solutions



Kate Mallula, MPH MSW

Customer Development Manager



Public health’s knowledge of how political, economic, and social forces influence community health is nothing new, but being squarely in the spotlight of public attention certainly is. What do you do when you find yourself suddenly the center of attention in the midst of a pandemic? Our answer: command the stage and show your audience that what’s happening now is about more than biology and case counts.

This webinar will equip you with best practices for framing your CHIP and CHA for change and equity in a post COVID-19 world. Now is the time for your community health stories to be the ultimate resource for creating a stronger community than ever before.

Join us for this conversation on Wednesday, July 15th at 1 PM CT